METALEX 2001 Ltd’s main profile is collecting and trading of non-ferrous scrap metals. Our partners are metal trader companies with different size and turnover from all over the country moreover we have contracts with manufacturer companies producing different quality of metal waste during their operations.
We only work with legal-persons; metal-waste is not accepted from the public.
The collection of the waste happens either in our premise in Budapest or with the help of out placed containers we carry away the waste from our partners’ site.
The incoming and outgoing commodity is measured in a 60 ton digital scale, which credibility and punctuality is continuously examined by experts.
Every kilogram of material coming from demolitions or productions is let into our premise through a radiation meter to exclude the possibility to transfer radiant waste to our partners.
Yearly, approximately 30.000 tons of waste is collected by METALEX Ltd. from Hungarian companies but we have contracted foreign manufacturing partners as well.
The collected materials are prepared for transportation and for further processing by us meeting the needs of our clients. We have domestic and foreign manufacturer partners but we export to Asian partners as well.
We guarantee the observation of all the quality specifications set by our partners as we believe it is indispensable to our everyday operations.
We are proud that our work contributes to a greener and more sustainable world as 100% of the waste collected by Metalex 2001 Ltd goes through some kind of recycling process
Non- ferrous metal waste collected traded by METALEX 2001 Ltd:
- Copper and its alloys (brass, bronze, etc.)
- Aluminum and its alloys
- Lead
- Tin
- Zinc and its alloys
- CrNi alloys
- Special metals (Wolfram, Niobium, Molybdenum)
- Copper- and aluminum cable scraps
- Special ferrous alloys
Please, contact us in case you have any questions. Our collegaues are always here to help you.
- Phone: +36 1 277 0572, +36 1 277 0355
- Fax: +36 1 276 9878
- E-mail:
Monday to Thursday: 7:00 – 15:30
Friday: 7:00 – 12:30
Metalex2001 Kft
Vas-, Színesfém-, Elektronikai hulladék kereskedelem
Telep: 1214 Budapest, Rózsa u. 17.
T : (+36 1) 277 0572, 277 0355
F : (+36 1) 276 9878